The Renter
Based on a true story, the film follows a young boy, who discovers that daycare can be a harsh and confusing world, where caring is shown in unexpected ways. The Renter screened at more than 100 film festivals worldwide.

WINNER - The Grand Prix (Cinanima)
WINNER - The Grand Prize, Best Student Film (Ottawa)
WINNER - Grand Prize, Best Animated Short/ Atlanta FF
WINNER - The Special Jury Prize (Bradford)
NOMINEE - Best Animated Short at the 2011 Annie Awards.
“Do yourself a favor: Stop what you’re doing and, for the next 9 minutes devote your attention to The Renter”
— Motionographer
“The film snuck up on me...there’s no question in my mind which of the nominees is the most emotionally captivating, artistically innovative, and viscerally beautiful.”
— Cartoon Brew

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